5 Things to Look For When Buying Chests, Dressers, and Cabinets

Don’t let a pretty facade fool you – use our checklist to make sure that the structural integrity of your next wooden casegood product (a chest, dresser, or cabinet – basically furniture made out of hard materials) is up to your high standards.
- What joints are used on the front and back of the drawers?
Pull out the drawers and look inside to make sure that a sturdy joint such as the dovetail were used. Weaker joints will not hold up over time.
- Is the bottom of the drawer made out of wood?
While the drawer is pulled out, determine if the bottom of the drawer is made out of wood. It could also be made out of melamine or masonite, which are cheaper options that will not last as long.
- Are the drawer guides also made of wood?
Metal guides can bend more easily than wood, making it difficult to move the drawer in and out. Wood guides will not bend as easily and will last longer.
- Do you see dust dividers between every drawer?
When looking inside the chest, dresser, or cabinet with all of the drawers removed, do you see thin pieces of wood beneath where the drawer would rest? There should be a dust divider between every drawer to protect the content inside.
- Are there corner blocks and drawer stops?
Corner blocks and drawer stops are details that improve the structural integrity of the piece. Quality casegoods will have these.
If you are willing to spend a little more for quality furniture, make sure there are no compromises in the structure and design of the product. This checklist will help identify places where manufacturers commonly shortcuts to cut costs so you can be sure you are getting what you pay for.