Sleep Product Warranties


  1. There is a trial period for the mattress and standard foundation only. Adjustable bed foundations, pillows and accessories are non-returnable (other than for product defects).
  2. If you choose to return your mattress and/or foundation and you purchase a pillow or an accessory at a package/discounted price, you will be charged our regular retail price for the non-returnable items.
  3. If you decide to reselect, you must contact your salesperson or any of the store managers within 75 days. This allows us time to return the product to Tempur-Pedic within the 90-day trial period.
  4. This is a return fee of $250 on Tempur-Pedic mattresses. If you reselect another mattress, we will credit your account with $50.00 towards the purchase of your new mattress. We are requested to return all used Tempur-Pedic mattresses freight prepaid to the factory.

Mattress Protection Program:

We have an optional 90 day trial period on other brands with the purchase of a Guardsman mattress Protection Program on new mattresses and mattress/box spring sets that are eligible with the following conditions:

  1. For all mattresses (except Tempur-Pedic) you must purchase our non-refundable Mattress Protection Program from us to get the trial period. If you decide not to purchase the Mattress Protection Program, There will be no trial period and you will not be able to return the mattress or mattress/box springs set for credit towards a reselect or refund.
  2. You need to try the mattress for at least 7 days before you can reselect, as it takes a little to adjust to a new set. If you are not satisfied with the comfort of your mattress after 7 days, you need to contact us prior to the 90th day to reselect and schedule pickup to qualify for credit on your mattress and/or box springs. Our delivery crew will do a mattress inspection at the time of pickup. Please note, they will not pick up your mattress if it has been stained or damaged during your trial period.
  3. If your mattress has been damaged you cannot return it.
  4. If you are a smoker, we ask your cooperation in not smoking in bed during the trial period. You will be charged an appropriate fee if your mattress or box springs must be cleaned to eliminate smoke odor absorbed during your trial period.
  5. Handles on mattress are not designed to carry the weight of the mattress, so please do not attempt to lift or carry the mattress with the handles. Torn or ripped handles are not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty and a fee will be charged.
  6. There is a fee of $150 for a mattress return. If you reselect another mattress there will be a $50 credit issued. See store for details.

New Mattress Smell

  1. New bedding often has a ‘new mattress’ odor. Most mattresses made today use polyurethane foam as the primary cushioning material, which has an odor from the urethane polymers and the gases used to create the cell structure in the foam. The synthetic fibers in the mattress covering material and the flame retardant chemicals used to meet the Federal Mattress Flammability requirements also give off a certain amount of odor. These odors remain trapped in the mattress until delivery, because the mattress is heat-sealed in an airtight plastic bag after production. These odors are more prominent during the warmer months of the year.
  2. Although this odor may bother some individuals, the manufacturers say it will go away after a few weeks of use. The odor can be reduced considerably by the use of a mattress pad. Sleeping on the mattress speeds the dissipation process since your body weight pumps fresh air through the foam. In addition, leaving the mattress uncovered, or covered only with sheets for the first couple of weeks, will speed the process.
  3. If you purchased the optional 14-30 day trial period and find the odor so objectionable that you cannot sleep, please contact us within your trial period.

King Size Syndrome

A king mattress will almost always develop a ridge running down the center from head to foot. This normal ridge occurs for two reasons: 1. A king set requires two box springs under the mattress. Where these two box springs meet there is a firm border-edge. This creates a firmer zone with little give in the center of the mattress. 2. Studies have shown a tendency for couples to gravitate toward their own side of the bed, so the center stays high and unused. With today’s plush mattresses this is accentuated. Rotating the mattress will lessen the body contours.

Click Here for your Simmons or Mattress First 90 day mattress trial program application